Maple Leaf Acres.

Hava Nagila Cultural Arts Center.

Australia Day Lake.
Bastille Day Park Museum.
Canada Day Center.
Chinese New Year Art Gallery.
Cinco De Mayo Fiesta Center.
Hava Nagila Cultural Arts Center.
Panoramic Picture of Maple Leaf Acres.

Jewish Holidays:







Favorites Songs:


Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Venis mecha.

Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Hava nagila,
Venis mecha.

Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Venis mecha.

Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Hava neranena,
Venis mecha.

Uru, Uru achim,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim
Uru achim
Belev sameach.


HaTikvah (National Anthem of Israel) :

Kol ode balevav
P'nimah -

Nefesh Yehudi homiyah

Ulfa'atey mizrach kadimah
Ayin l'tzion tzofiyah.

Ode lo avdah tikvatenu
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim.

L'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenu -
Eretz Tzion v'Yerushalayim.




By the Waters,

the Waters of Babylon.

We laid down and wept, and wept, for thee Zion.

We remember, we remember, we remember the Zion.



Shalom Chavarim,

Shalom Chavarim,

Shalom! Shalom!

'Til we meet again,

'til we meet again;

Shalom! Shalom!




Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

Jericho, Jericho!

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho,

And the walls came a tumbling down down down down..


1) You may talk about you Men of Gideon,

You may talk about your Men of Saul;

But none as good ol' Joshua,

At the Battle of Jericho!

That Morning....


2) Right up against the Walls of Jericho

He marched with a spear in his hand.

Ol' Joshua commanded the Children to SHOUT!

And the battle was in his hand!

That Morning....


Maple Leaf Taxi Leaving for Carol Towne.

Hot Air Balloon Leaving For Gaea Rivers Township.

Tour Bus Leaving for Carol Towne Stadium:

Click Here.


Webmaster Central III.